Begin living your best life...Fearlessly!
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Member since April 12, 2021Anxiety Treatment Center of Orlando-Jenifer Garrido, LCSW
I am a Licensed Therapist with over 25+ years of experience providing Cognitive Behavioral & Exposure-Based therapy services for adolescents (age 12+) & adults struggling with common to complex Anxiety Disorders (such as Social & Generalized Anxiety, Phobias, Panic), Obsessive Compulsive & OC Spectrum Disorders, Trauma & Depression. I specialize in the use of a variety of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) methods, including Exposure-Based therapy, in person or online through my secure, HIPAA compliant, tele-therapy portal. I provide a 15 minute initial consultation via phone call at no charge to ensure that we are the right fit before scheduling. I look forward to helping you in your quest to begin living your best life...Fearlessly!