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This article aims to teach you how to utilize a practical framework to advocate for the support you need from coaches and other support providers;
When you find yourself attracted to someone who is so charming and manipulative, you might be dealing with a psychopath. While not everyone who displays these characteristics is a psychopath, if you have the feeling that you are being gaslighted and manipulated by someone, it is possible that you are falling victim to his or her mind games. Whether this is in reference to a work relationship, friendship, or romantic relationship, the more you know about this kind of psychopathic behavior, the faster you can change the situation.
Psychopaths are savvy and well-polished; they tend to be men, but can just as easily be women. Emotional psychopaths tend to prey on people who love or are infatuated by them. They are master manipulators and enjoy having power and control over others. They tend to try to control various aspects of your life from the way you speak, who you speak to, or what you are wearing. Most of the time this happens without the victim being aware of it. In this article, we are going to try to help you avoid these toxic situations by giving you 5 of the most common mind games psychopaths play.
The 5 Mind Games
There are many ways that psychopaths can infiltrate our lives and affect us in negative ways. Unfortunately, some people do not realize the warning signs before it is too late. These are just 5 examples of mind games, but if you find yourself the victim of other kinds of mind games that may be performed by a psychopath, please contact someone for help.
1. Gaslighting
This is perhaps the most common form of manipulation done by psychopaths. They use this technique to make you see or think things that are not true. If you feel that no matter how hard you try, you cannot win an argument, you may be being gaslit. Gaslighting is defined as “a form of emotional abuse where the abuser manipulates situations repeatedly to trick victims into distrusting his or her own memory and perceptions.”
They use your words and turn them against you so you feel invalidated and question yourself. This once again puts the psychopath in a position of power.
2. Threatening
This is not just a mind game, but mentally and emotionally abusive. Threatening is a way for psychopaths to control his or her victim. Threats of suicide and abandonment are very common for these people. It may also be that you feel threatened because of their lack of honesty and genuine behavior. If something about this person does not seem right in your gut, trust that feeling.
Unfortunately, people often give in to the psychopath out of fear that his or her threats are genuine. If you feel that you are being threatened, please reach out for help. There are several helplines and resources available for people in domestic violence situations.
3. Lying
Psychopaths are beautiful liars. They lie with such confidence that it feels sincere. They remain cool under pressure and are able to flatter their victim so much they may not notice. The act of casually lying is a huge sign of psychopathic tendencies, especially if these lies help him or her maintain or acquires power. If this sounds like someone you know, they may be a psychopath.
They are known for being charming and will tell you stories that you will believe. Do not let their delusions blind you from the person they truly are. Instead, keep track of these lies and see through them. This will help you maintain some power in the relationship.
4. Flattery
A psychopath will tend to do whatever they can in order to win you over. This often is done through compliments and flattery. This is not to say that everyone who compliments you is an emotional psychopath, but to be wary of disingenuine flattery. Even the seemingly nicest of people may be using their charm with bad intentions.
Compliments are nice, but a psychopath will tend to overdo it. They often say phrases like “you are the best person I have ever met and I couldn’t imagine life without you”, even if you have only known them for a little while. Trust your gut. If a person or compliment feels too good to be true, they might be.
5. Guilt-tripping
These people tend to make you feel guilty if they want something from you and you are not willing to give it. If they want money or a sexual act you are not willing to perform, they will claim you do not care enough about them or love them. Psychopaths will say and do just about anything to get what they want. This is a very dangerous symptom of a psychopath’s mental disorder.
Another example of this would be if you catch a psychopath in a lie. Most people would admit to this and apologize where a psychopath will try to spin it and make it your fault that they had to lie. They tend to be very comfortable with having no empathy for people around them. By placing the blame on you or someone else, they remove any sense of responsibility. If you find yourself feeling guilty for things that may not be entirely your fault because of your partner, you may be dealing with a psychopath.
A Word From Mental Treat
If you find yourself in a relationship of any kind with a psychopath or recognize similar signs, please consult with a professional and get help. It can be very difficult and painful to end the relationship, even if you think it is the right thing to do. A mental health professional will be able to talk you through your decision and help you better understand your partner’s behavior. Remember, you are not to blame for your partner’s behavior and psychopathy, like most mental health conditions, is a combination of factors that often have nothing to do with the partner.
If you need help finding a therapist or counselor to speak with, check out Mental Treat’s database. Our website has many licensed, qualified mental health experts who are ready to provide you with the support you need. Simply visit our website and apply filters until you find the right therapist for you. As always, we are here for your mental health needs. Take care and be well.
This article aims to teach you how to utilize a practical framework to advocate for the support you need from coaches and other support providers;
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