I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in private practice located in midtown Manhattan near Bryant Park. I specialize in the treatment of OCD and…
Treatment is tailored to each individual person and is a collaborative effort between client and therapist. A holistic therapy approach is utilized, which is the…
Dr. Selena Smith is a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor Level II, Licensed Advanced Practice Social Worker, Master Addiction Counselor, SAE (Substance Abuse Expert), SAP…
I am a Licensed Therapist with over 25+ years of experience providing Cognitive Behavioral & Exposure-Based therapy services for adolescents (age 12+) & adults struggling…
I aim to nourish my clients by using a scientific, evidence-based approach when leveraging yoga therapy, nutrition counseling and holistic wellness coaching. I encourage, educate…
I believe that vulnerability is a source of strength and courage rather than weakness because it’s the harder thing to do. Deciding to seek therapy…
My ideal client is one who is ready to be their own change agent and is often the first of their social/family group to break…